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count = signal(0);
doubleCount = computed(() => this.count() * 2);
doubleDoubleCount = computed(() => this.doubleCount() * 2);

count$ = new BehaviorSubject(0);
doubleCount$ = this.count$.pipe(map((count) => count * 2));
doubleDoubleCount$ = this.doubleCount$.pipe(
map((doubleCount) => doubleCount * 2)
  • signal is not observable; you can simply retrieve the value directly
  • observable requires using async pipe in template to pull values out
  • signals are for synchronous reactivity, not async; observable is for async
    • signal is like inputting a form and seeing ui update
    • observable is for hitting an api and handling race conditions like potentially out of order requests (eg search terms where 2nd key lands before 1st)
  • Signals will be able to be upgraded to an observable with Angular API methods
// signal
searchTerm = signal("");

// observable
employees$ = fromSignal(this.searchTerm).pipe(
switchMap((searchTerm) =>,

// signal (allows hooking back into signal change detection mechanism)
employees = fromObservable(this.employees$);