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Install & Config

  • kubectl & helm are required to run a local cluster (or run fluvio on a remote cluster other than the infinyon cloud)
  • kubectl
curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
echo "$(cat kubectl.sha256) kubectl" | sha256sum --check
install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
  • helm
curl | bash
    • this is required to configure kubectl for local dev, which will be used by fluvio cluster
export KUBECONFIG=./kubeconfig.yaml
  • fluvio CLI
    • fluvio cli will get a local profile once we spin up a cluster with fluvio cluster start —local (even though the cluster nodes per se are remote; local means not infinyon cloud)
    • we will be able to switch between infinyon cloud and local cluster (or running against a custom remote cluster which is not infinyon cloud)
curl -fsS | bash
echo 'export PATH="${HOME}/.fluvio/bin:${PATH}"' >> ~/.bashrc
  • check config
    • kubectl and helm are required for the fluvio cli which is running a helm install against a local (or custom remote) cluster
kubectl get node -o wide
kubectl version
helm version
fluvio version
fluvio cluster check
  • login to cloud and create infinyon-cloud profile
fluvio cloud login --use-oauth2
  • fluvio profile list
    • now current_profile = "infinyon-cloud” (* asterisk marks current)
fluvio profile list
# local local localhost:9003 Disabled
# * infinyon-cloud infinyon-cloud Verified
  • fluvio profile switch
fluvio profile switch local
fluvio profile switch infinyon-cloud

Run Fluvio Locally Against Remote Cluster

  • fluvio switch local profile
fluvio profile switch local
  • fluvio start
fluvio cluster start --local
  • fluvio topic create
fluvio topic create greetings
  • fluvio produce message on topic
echo "Hello, Fluvio" | fluvio produce greetings
  • fluvio consume topic messages
fluvio consume greetings -B -d

Run Fluvio Against Infinyon Cloud

  • fluvio switch cloud profile
fluvio profile switch infinyon-cloud
  • fluvio topic create
fluvio topic create greetings-cloud
  • fluvio produce message on topic
echo "Hello, Fluvio cloud" | fluvio produce greetings-cloud
  • fluvio consume topic messages
fluvio consume greetings-cloud -B -d